Woman drinks two “cocktails in a can”; says members of the church are “following her”

52-year-old Mija Dunham was charged with driving under the influence and open container violation after she was found parked facing north in the southbound lane of Tobacco Road and seemed to be having a mental breakdown.

Intoxicated duo charged after driver swerves into oncoming traffic

53-year-old Barbara Cadena was charged with driving under the influence, driving on a revoked license, and implied consent, and 63-year-old Thomas Bailey was charged with public intoxication after Barbara swerved into oncoming traffic almost causing a head-on collision.

Woman returns item already in Walmart; uses the money in an attempt to steal more

42-year-old Toni Camia was charged with burglary after she was caught on camera skip scanning items and fraudulently returning an item at Walmart while she had outstanding warrants.

Elderly man says he never strangled his girlfriend; talks to police with grinder in pocket

69-year-old Bobby Morrow was charged with aggravated domestic assault, theft of property, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia after he reportedly strangled his girlfriend and stole her phone after she started an argument with him over the death of her friend.

Man charged with girlfriend’s second assault in under 13 days

39-year-old Donald Doss was charged with aggravated domestic assault and evading arrest after he hit his girlfriend in the face over an argument about putting up a tv.

Drunk wives charged after acting “irate” towards security at Electric Cowboy

27-year-old Nikole Ritchey and 29-year-old Heather Ritchey were charged with public intoxication after Nikole was acting belligerent at Electric Cowboy and when officers attempted to detain her Heather began yelling in their faces.

“Lit” and lost man found stumbling down I-24, unsure if he had fallen

43-year-old Omar Garner was charged with public intoxication and unlawful use of sidewalks after he was almost hit as he walked down interstate 24 and stated to authorities that he was “lit and did not know where he was.”

Woman chucks tea on Cracker Barrel worker; smears lotion on her car as she leaves

21-year-old Curtisa Milan was charged with assault and vandalism after she threw tea on a Cracker Barrel employee and then smeared lotion on her vehicle.

Couple charged after combat involving power tools and strangulation

34-year old Anthony Hedge and 29-year-old Virginia Salgado were charged with aggravated domestic assault after he put his hands around her neck and she attempted to hit him with a drill.

Drunk punishes teenage son with book when he fails to do his chores

36-year-old Derek Grissom was charged with domestic assault after waking his son up in the middle of the night when he did not do his chores, made him do pushups, and hit him in the face with a book.