Woman reported and charged after dozing off in her car, at someone else’s house, with fentanyl

41-year-old Dana Adkins was charged with possession of fentanyl, driving under the influence, and driving on a suspended/revoked license after being found unconscious in a driveway with fentanyl inside her car.

Speeding driver fails to maintain lane after taking sleeping aid

Feat Corbin Amber

27-year-old Amber Janell Corbin was charged with driving under the influence and violation of implied consent after an officer noticed she appeared to be falling asleep during a traffic stop, then failed her field sobriety test.

Man slaps woman after she smashes his toe with bedroom door

31-year-old Dustin Holbrook was charged with domestic assault after a verbal dispute led to a woman hit him in the toe with a door and he slapped her.

“I stabbed him, I’ll stab you too”; woman charged after following person home

24-year-old Zahnitra Kelly was charged with aggravated assault after following a person home and brandishing a knife during a verbal dispute.

Couple charged after search of vehicle yields 24 Xanax bars and meth

35-year-old Nicholas Follis was charged with possession of meth and 29-year-old Jessica Scott was charged with possession of a controlled substance after consenting to a search that yielded meth and Xanax bars.

‘Days of Our Lives’ actor assaults wife over accusations of infidelity

Feat Longo Cody

33-year-old “Bring it On” and “Days of Our Lives” actor Cody Anthony Longo was charged with domestic assault after coming home intoxicated and accusing his wife of being unfaithful.

Despite mandate, police & city’s elite refuse to mask up

Despite a mask mandate being in place with full support from both mayors, it is largely being ignored throughout the city. Law enforcement officers are responding to calls without masks, local politicians and business owners are mingling for hours unmasked and not socially distanced at various events drawing hundreds of the city’s elite.

Man charged after he “ran his thumb across his throat in a slicing motion” at his neighbor

35-year-old Ryan Barba was charged with two counts of assault after making a throat-slitting gesture to his neighbor, causing her to feel fear for herself and her family.

Intoxicated man harasses ex-girlfriend at Wendy’s

42-year-old Courtney Davis was charged with public intoxication after he showed up drunk at Wendy’s, annoying his ex-girlfriend and disturbing other customers.

Man reportedly pummels wife in head for calling him crazy while driving 100 mph on I-24

39-year-old Stevon Long was charged with domestic assault, reckless endangerment, and false imprisonment after he began punching his wife in the head while driving over 100 MPH on the interstate after she called him psycho.