Woman chomps on sister’s arm during argument with mother, per report

28-year-old Latisha Vaughns was charged with two counts of domestic assault after walloping her mother with an “open fist” and biting her sister on her inner arm while “in an altered state of mind.”

Man has hydrocodone in his hair while being booked; already found driving intoxicated with drugs

25-year-old Austin Richards was charged with contraband in a penal institution, possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, DUI, and driving on revoked after being stopped with drugs in his system, vehicle, and hair.

Man charged after putting $750 of Target merchandise in branded bags and leaving

29-year-old Travis Spicer was charged with theft after he stole video games and movies from Target with their shopping bags for a total of $750 in merchandise.

Man robs Main608 resident with rifle; takes car, gun and “a large amount of marijuana”

20-year-old Jonti Glover was charged with aggravated robbery after he took a gun and keys from a resident of Main608 while they were being held at gunpoint, and he left their apartment with their Dodge Challenger.

Man causes girlfriend to blackout during dispute over a female caller on his phone

53-year-old Jeffrey Barnett was charged with aggravated domestic assault after he strangled his girlfriend and knocked her down during an argument about him being on the phone with another woman.

Woman claws her way past ex in an attempt to attack his new female roommate

22-year-old Serena Quesada was charged with domestic assault after she scratched and pushed her way into her ex-husband’s house, looking for his female roommate.

Teen punches officer in face after fleeing on foot and ditching his empty Four Lokos

Feat Fearn Ian

19-year-old Ian Collin Fearn was charged with assault on an officer, criminal impersonation, public intoxication, evading and resisting arrest after punching an officer to escape after lying about his identity.

Man yells “Don’t tell the police!” as he runs from the woman he assaulted

52-year-old Ricky Borders was charged with two counts of domestic assault and vandalism after he kicked in his ex-girlfriend’s front door, physically assaulted her, and stole her cell phone while running away and yelling, “Don’t tell the police!”

Driver charged after having a morning Four Loko

39-year-old Spencer Robinson was charged with driving under the influence after admitting to drinking a Four Loko before driving down Providence Boulevard.

Designated driver charged with first DUI

25-year-old Justin Paikoff was charged with driving under the influence after he told police he was his friend’s designated driver, and he blew a .051 on a breathalyzer test.